New kerbside food scraps and garden waste services, and improved rubbish collection from mid-2024

From 1 July 2024, the DCC will introduce kerbside food scraps and garden waste collection along with wheelie bin collection services for rubbish, replacing the current prepaid plastic rubbish bags. These changes are to help reduce waste and protect the environment.

If your property is on a kerbside collection route, the DCC will deliver two new bins before the service starts. Between 26 March and mid-June 2024, the property will receive either:

  • a 140L green-lidded bin for recycling food scraps and garden waste collected weekly,


  • a small 23L green-lidded food scraps bin (for households on properties with 3 or more houses/units that have little or no garden). All households in the tertiary area will get this bin. This bin will be collected weekly.

and every household gets:

  • a new 140L red bin for rubbish collected fortnightly, replacing the DCC black bags.
  • a small kitchen benchtop bin for collecting food scraps.
  • an information booklet.

The blue crates for glass and yellow-lidded recycling wheelie bins will be collected fortnightly, on alternate weeks, as usual.


The targeted rate cost in the draft DCC Annual Plan 2024-25 for the full four-bin service is $301.50 for the first year of service from 1 July 2024.