As we approach the busy summer letting period, some of our tenants will be moving on and we will be looking for new ones. It’s a perfect time to think about how your property presents to prospective tenants.


The biggest turn off to prospective tenants is unaddressed maintenance issues. Our property managers will be keeping you informed of work needed through the inspection reports and we encourage you to engage with them to get these items sorted as soon as possible. 

Warm, dry and bright

Homes that feel warm and dry when prospective tenants first enter, are popular. Natural light is also very important to the feel of a home, the more the better. Natural light also helps keep mould and mildew at bay. We often suggest trimming back trees and bushes which block not just sun, but natural light.

Street appeal

The view of your property from the street is often one of the headline photos we use in the advertising. It is also prospective tenant’s first impression of what may be their new home. Consider the front garden, it may be tidy, but could it do with a seasonal cut back, or a few new plants? Could the front door do with painting?

Demand for properties in Dunedin is high but there is competition for the best tenants. Giving some thought to how your property presents will ensure the best prospective tenants are applying for your property.